Data Scientists on Microsoft Learn | Microsoft Docs › en-us › learnMicrosoft Learn For Data Scientists. Find the trends and develop data-driven solutions for your business. You're skilled in technology and the social sciences, using your expertise to experiment and develop solutions to complex business needs using big data. Get the skills and knowledge needed to build your career as a successful Data Scientist.
What is a Data Scientist? › careers › data-scientistWhat is a Data Scientist. Data scientists are big data wranglers, gathering and analyzing large sets of structured and unstructured data. A data scientist’s role combines computer science, statistics, and mathematics. They analyze, process, and model data then interpret the results to create actionable plans for companies and other organizations.
Innføring i data science | Universitetet i Bergen › emne › INF161Data science er ei samling av metodar med føremål å trekke ut kunnskap frå forskjellige typar data. I dette emnet vil du få ei oversikt over alle trinna i data science-prosessen, inkludert datainnsamling, dataførebuing, datahandsaming, dataanalyse med statistikk, maskinlærings- og visualiseringsmetodar og å implementere data science ...