Dec 10, 2018 · If you have saved with the pretrained model that is wrapped with nn.DataParallel(), it will have all the state_dict() keys prepended with module.. In this case, while loading the saved state_dict() to a new model, you have to make sure that the new model is wrapped with nn.DataParallel() before calling model.load_state_dict().
Mar 17, 2020 · self.model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'].module.state_dict()) actually works and the reason it was failing earlier was that, I instantiated the models differently (assuming the use_se to be false as it was in the original training script) and thus the keys would differ. Simply finding about this thanks to dear God, solved the issue.
Oct 15, 2018 · Hi, The problem is the module is load with dataparallel activated and you are trying to load it without data parallel. That's why there's an extra module at the beginning of each key!
Jul 30, 2020 · Thanks a lot. I have one last question. Like the OP, I need to recreate the state dict every time in the forward pass. I see about 8x increase in training time when compared to original PyTorch DataParallel.
15.10.2018 · Error(s) in loading state_dict for DataParallel: #27. Open cosmolu opened this issue Oct 15, 2018 · 7 comments Open Error(s) in loading state_dict for DataParallel: #27. cosmolu opened this issue Oct 15, 2018 · 7 comments Comments. Copy link cosmolu commented Oct 15, …
torch.load : Uses pickle ’s unpickling facilities to deserialize pickled object files to memory. This function also facilitates the device to load the data into (see Saving & Loading Model Across Devices ). torch.nn.Module. load_state_dict : Loads a model’s parameter dictionary using a deserialized state_dict.
30.07.2020 · Could you please measure the time spent on the create_state_dict_new?. The forward function will be launched in each thread. If you have 4 GPUs, it means that there will be 4 threads executing that create_state_dict_new independently. However, due to Python GIL, the 4 threads cannot run the function concurrently, which would further exacerbate the delay.
Jul 20, 2021 · RuntimeError: Error(s) in loading state_dict for DataParallel: Unexpected key(s) in state_dict: "module.scibert_layer.embeddings.position_ids" I trained my sequence labeling model in nn.DataParallel (torch version 1.7.0) but am trying to load it without the nn.DataParallel (torch version 1.9.0).
Whether you are loading from a partial state_dict, which is missing some keys, or loading a state_dict with more keys than the model that you are loading into, you can set the strict argument to False in the load_state_dict() ... torch.nn.DataParallel is a model wrapper that …
20.07.2020 · The load method doesn't have any logic to look inside the dict. This should work: import torch, torchvision.models model = torchvision.models.vgg16 () path = 'test.pth' (model.state_dict (), path) # nothing else here model.load_state_dict (torch.load (path)) Share. Follow this answer to receive notifications.
06.04.2017 · You probably saved the model using nn.DataParallel, which stores the model in module, and now you are trying to load it without DataParallel.You can either add a nn.DataParallel temporarily in your network for loading purposes, or you can load the weights file, create a new ordered dict without the module prefix, and load it back.
load_state_dict(state) in model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model) prior to. DC training, multiple card loading deployment. If there is no change, it can be ...
DataParallel¶ class torch.nn. DataParallel (module, device_ids = None, output_device = None, dim = 0) [source] ¶. Implements data parallelism at the module level. This container parallelizes the application of the given module by splitting the input across the specified devices by chunking in the batch dimension (other objects will be copied once per device). In the forward pass, the …
29.06.2020 · Following the instructions in the repo page, I load the pth file using nn.DataParallel. In detail, these are the commands I give: import torch as th from pro_gan_pytorch import PRO_GAN as pg2 device = th.device("cuda" if th.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") gen = th.nn.DataParallel(pg.Generator(depth=6)) #gen = (pg2.Generator()) …