Title stata.com mgarch dcc
https://www.stata.com/manuals/tsmgarchdcc.pdfTitle stata.com mgarch dcc — Dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH models DescriptionQuick startMenuSyntax OptionsRemarks and examplesStored resultsMethods and formulas ReferencesAlso see Description mgarch dcc estimates the parameters of dynamic conditional correlation (DCC) multivariate
Multivariate GARCH | Stata
www.stata.com › features › overviewMGARCH stands for multivariate GARCH, or multivariate generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity. MGARCH allows the conditional-on-past-history covariance matrix of the dependent variables to follow a flexible dynamic structure. Stata fits MGARCH models. mgarch implements diagonal vech and conditional correlation models.
Title stata.com mgarch dcc
https://www.stata.com/manuals14/tsmgarchdcc.pdfTitle stata.com mgarch dcc ... this model is known as the DCC GARCH model. Technical note The DCC GARCH model proposed byEngle(2002) can be written as y t= Cx t+ t t = H 1=2 t H t = D 1=2R tD 1=2 R t= diag(Q t) 1=2Q tdiag(Q t) 1=2 Q t = (1 1 2)R+ 1 e t 1e 0 1 + 2Q t 1 (1) where y t is an m 1 vector of dependent variables;
DCC-GARCH model commands - Statalist - The Stata Forum
www.statalist.org › forums › forumJul 27, 2020 · DCC-GARCH model commands. 27 Jul 2020, 05:18. Dear Statalist, I am doing my dissertation now about the contagion between return prices: UK and US. And follow the literature, I should apply the DCC-GARCH model. I have been looking for the command of this model from stata.com. The independent variables are the lagged of return from the UK and the ...
Title stata.com mgarch dcc
www.stata.com › manuals › tsmgarchdccFit dynamic conditional correlation multivariate GARCH with first- and second-order ARCH components for dependent variables y1 and y2 using tsset data mgarch dcc (y1 y2), arch(1 2) Add regressors x1 and x2 and first-order GARCH component mgarch dcc (y1 y2 = x1 x2), arch(1 2) garch(1) Add z1 to the model for the conditional heteroskedasticity