12.06.2006 · DNSMasq FAQs, but here is no such documentation for DD-WRT. To make things worse, the settings you refer to are named "DHCP options" in the web GUI of DD-WRT, which is misleading since they actually affect DNS rather than DHCP. <edit> And IIRC I had tried to set "Used Domain" and "LAN Domain" once, but this had no effect.
Queries for DHCP leased hosts are being correctly returned (dd-wrt's "Local DNS" option for ... interface=br0 resolv-file=/tmp/resolv.dnsmasq all-servers ...
Queries for DHCP leased hosts are being correctly returned (dd-wrt's "Local DNS" option for dnsmasq). Queries to any random non-existant host incorrectly return ...
In 36995 (but not 36808) on an R7800, dnsmasq seg faults on startup and refuses to run, when given a large addn-hosts file (90000 entries - ad blocking). No errors or traces in syslog, but it fails to run on startup and manually running dnsmasq directly gives “segmentation fault”. Probably related to the 36950/36951 dnsmasq updates.
Add expand-hosts to Additional DNSMasq Options on the Services page under DNSMasq. Step #1 controls the domain= setting that gets put in the dnsmasq.conf file.
By the DD-WRT overwrites the host file, when you static leases. (edit by ZC): Option "addn-hosts" works well here as well for using an additional ... Once it is hooked and DD-WRT wants to restart dnsmasq the script is executed instead, and adds some lines to the generated /etc/hosts afterwards it executes the real dnsmasq. Finally it ...
Since changeset 39350, udhcpd has been removed and DNSMasq is the only DHCP server in dd-wrt.. DD-WRT supports using DNSMasq as a local DNS server.DNSMasq can intelligently add DHCP leases to its DNS database, providing local name lookups for any DHCP client, static or dynamic. udhcpd, the former DHCP server (daemon), is not to be confused with udhcpc, the …
1) Editing the /etc/hosts file . This is probably the first place one attempts getting this to work if you have a *nix background. It does work here with a caveat; after editing /etc/hosts, restart DNSMasq. /tmp/hosts gets recreated on boot.To make this fix persistent, write a startup script to add the new records in /tmp/hosts.