Firewall - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexDD-WRT has a packet filtering firewall, statefull firewall, NAT and proxy functionality. The default internal device network has two networks (non-802.11n example!): vlan0(built-in hardware switch) software-bridged with eth1(wireless access point) - LAN private ip subnet and ip configurations are leased to clients by a DHCP server.
Firewall Builder - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexFirewall Builder is a commerciel third party firewall GUI running on your PC for managing iptables rules on your router remotely via SSH. You can get Firewall Builder (fwbuilder) at: . Prequisites: You need sshd enabled on your DD-WRT software.
FirewallExample - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexPlease edit the following rules under your local editor and cut-and-paste these rules into DD-WRT inside Administration Tab -> Commands -> Command Shell box. Click Save Firewall after you are done. # ---------------------- #--- IPTABLES START --- # ---------------------- # # DEFINES: LAN_IP=$(nvram get lan_ipaddr) WAN_IP=$(nvram get wan_ipaddr)
dd wrt - DD-WRT firewall rule configuration - Super User › questions › 192232Sep 24, 2010 · I'm using DD-WRT on my linksys router. I want to limit each user on my network to 200 connections at any given time. Does anyone know the rules I enter the firewall in DD-WRT admit panel. I tried the following with no luck: iptables -I FORWARD -s -d -p tcp -m connlimit --connlimit-above 150 -j DROP iptables -I FORWARD -s -d 192 ...