Logging_with_DD-WRT Recommended tools 2. Issue the following command from the Web Interface -> Commands section (or via Telnet): cat /tmp/var/log/messages As noted in the Setup section, the logfile in micro currently does not show any firewall events, unfortunately.
I recently installed DD-WRT on my Netgear R7000 router and want to log DNS queries. So far without much luck. I'm running DD-WRT v24-sp2 kongac, build 23900M. syslogd is running and currently writing to /var/log/messages. I also have the firewall logging to the same directory which is working. I have DHCP and DNSMasq enabled with log-queries as ...
16.01.2020 · Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 15:52 Post subject: Firewall logging: I'm new to this forum game so I sorry if I get to place my Q in the wrong forum! I have used dd-wrt for many years now and somewhere around feb. 2017 the firewall log to /var/log/messages (syslog) was diaabled so I'm running and that old version from 28-02-2017 on my old router where the log …
Do the following to retrieve the logs from a DD-WRT router: 1. Ensure the Syslogd option under the Services menu is enabled.. 2. Copy the logs from OpenVPN tab under the Status menu as shown below:. 3. The absence of logs in the log section indicates issues with the …