Firewall - DD-WRT Wiki has a packet filtering firewall, statefull firewall, NAT and proxy functionality. The default internal device network has two networks (non-802.11n example!): vlan0 (built-in hardware switch) software-bridged with eth1 (wireless access point) - LAN private ip subnet and ip configurations are leased to clients by a DHCP server.
Iptables command - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexYou are here: DD-WRT wiki mainpage / Scripting / SSH/Telnet & The CLI / iptables Iptables is a powerful administration tool for IPv4 packet filtering and NAT. It is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP packet filter rules in the Linux kernel.
One-to-one NAT - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexOne-to-one NAT (aka Static NAT) is a way to make systems behind a firewall and configured with private IP addresses appear to have public IP addresses. [ edit ] Setup Begin by assigning one of the static addresses to the WAN port using the Web interface and then use these scripts to add the rest.
DD-WRT NAT Loopback Issue - Alex Laird › 2013 › 04DD-WRT NAT Loopback Issue By Alex Laird in Tech NAT loopback is what your router performs when you try to access your external IP address from within your LAN. For instance, say your router forwards port 80 to a web server on your LAN. From an outside network, you could simply visit your external IP address from a browser to access the web server.