Script Execution - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexSometimes you want scripts to be executed automatically when something happens, this article explains how to make sure scripts get executed at a certain point. [ edit ] General Information There are four different directories DD-WRT searches for scripts, these are
Scripting - DD-WRT Wiki LED Scripts - scripts that control the router lights. MyPage - rely heavily on the javascript dd-wrt libraries, nvram program and on generic linux commands. Every router that is supported by dd-wrt can use Mypage without having problems . Script Execution - place scripts in config folders to have them run automatically.
LED Scripts - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexScript not work in dd-wrt micro version Bufalo routers where this script will work : - WHR-HP-G54-DD Has not yet been tested on other models Discuss here. Broadcom based Hardware. SIGNAL STRENGTH 0 blink = SNR < 9 No signal or very weak 1 blink = SNR 10-19 2 blinks = SNR 20-29 3 blinks = SNR 30-39 4 blinks = SNR 40-49
Scripting - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexScripting. LED Scripts - scripts that control the router lights. MyPage - rely heavily on the javascript dd-wrt libraries, nvram program and on generic linux commands. Every router that is supported by dd-wrt can use Mypage without having problems . Script Execution - place scripts in config folders to have them run automatically.
LED Scripts - DD-WRT Wiki not work in dd-wrt micro version Bufalo routers where this script will work : - WHR-HP-G54-DD Has not yet been tested on other models Discuss here. Broadcom based Hardware. SIGNAL STRENGTH 0 blink = SNR < 9 No signal or very weak 1 blink = SNR 10-19 2 blinks = SNR 20-29 3 blinks = SNR 30-39 4 blinks = SNR 40-49
Script examples - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexVersions of DD-WRT firmware up to v23 give signal is <number> as the output to 'wl rssi', but version 24 just gives the number only without the "signal is " bit. This means that scripts which use the outputs from the wl command must be chosen for the different firmware versions. In client mode
Useful Scripts - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexWireless Network Scanner (working on DD-WRT v24) I took the above script and tweaked it to work in DD-WRT v24 firmware, with the "wl" command. To run just copy and paste in a console (telnet or ssh) or save as a "" and run as ./scanner.
Startup Scripts - DD-WRT Wiki › wiki › indexWriting startup scripts is the way to go! Here are three ways to get dd-wrt to run them automatically. Another method to have scripts run at startup is to place them in the right folder, with the .startup extension. Read more at Script_Execution Web Interface Method of Loading Scripts onto Router Prerequisites