debajo de (also: bajo) beneath {prp.} Y, debajo de esta, se incluye la garantía limitada que cubre los productos que no vienen con el software. Beneath that is the Warranty, that covers products that do not come with software. Está por debajo de cualquier estándar aceptable. It is beneath any acceptable standard.
debajo ( deh - bah - hoh ) adverb 1. (below) a. underneath Antes de poner la carne en la parrilla, pon un plato debajo para colectar el aceite.Before you put the meat on the grill, put a dish underneath to catch the grease. b. beneath El océano es grande y nadie sabe lo que hay debajo.The ocean is vast and nobody knows what lies beneath.
English Translation of “debajo” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. Over 100000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases.
deh. ) A phrase is a group of words commonly used together (e.g once upon a time). phrase. 1. (prepositional) a. under. Escondió todos los regalos navideños debajo de la cama.She hid all the Christmas gifts under the bed. b. underneath. El ladrón escondió la botella robada debajo de su abrigo.The thief hid the stolen bottle underneath his coat.
We got eleven translations of debajo de in Spanish-English dictionary with synonyms, definitions, examples of usage and pronunciation. Advertising. Spanish.
Translation of "debajo de" in English. under below beneath underneath short of. way below. lower than less than behind bottom of down above up underground underlying. Other translations. Suggestions. por debajo de. 9013. por debajo del umbral de pobreza 754.
Translations in context of "DEBAJO DE" in spanish-english. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "DEBAJO DE" - spanish-english translations ...
Debajo de vs. bajo (in a specific example) At this link: prepositions (which is from a source that I generally find reliable, Gerald Erichsen) There is this example sentence: bajo — under — El perro está bajo la mesa. The dog is under the table. Every other time I had seen this sentence used before I had seen "debajo de" instead of "bajo ...
08.05.2016 · de debajo de nuestras narices (from under our noses) *Please note that this construct does not apply to all things. For example, ... Most English speakers would probably tell you that there is no difference between these two variations and I suspect the same is true for Spanish when it comes to "bajo" and "debajo de." Share.
Similar translations for "por debajo de" in English por preposition by - for - because of - through - via - for the sake of - per - of - out of - over - to - from - times - after after por a - the debajo adverb beneath - underneath de noun name of the letter D de preposition from - of - as - out of - in - off - on - than - to - by de conjunction
How to say debajo de In English - Translation of debajo de to English by Nglish, on-line comprehensive Spanish – English and English – Spanish Dictionary, ...
phrase. 1. (general) a. below the. No se registraron temperaturas por debajo del promedio en Nueva York.There was no record of temperatures below the average for New York. b. underneath the. Pablo no quiere pasar por debajo del puente.Pablo doesn't want to pass underneath the bridge. c. under the. Metí la carta por debajo de la puerta y seguí ...
Uno de los motivos que han limitado la difusión es la particular sensibilidad a los transplantes, conviene por lo tanto, donde es posible, sembrar directamente en su lugar definitivo, preparando oportunamente el terreno, aún en pleno sol o debajo de una ligera sombra.
English: no callar ni debajo del agua expr expresión: Expresiones idiomáticas, dichos, refranes y frases hechas de tres o más palabras ("Dios nos libre", "a lo hecho, pecho"). (hablar demasiado) never shut up v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end."