We created a debian8 image running on BPI-R1, which is base on BPI Mainline kernel 4.2, and install docker 1.7.1. The purpose of docker is to run openwrt in it, ...
OpenWrt ImageBuilder to create firmware images. Container. Pulls 500K+ Overview Tags. imagebuilder. Contains the OpenWrt ImageBuilder based on a debian:latest container with requi
Docker OpenWrt Builder Build OpenWrt images in a Docker container. This is sometimes necessary when building OpenWrt on the host system fails, e.g. when some dependency is too new. The docker image is based on Debian 10 (Buster). Build tested: OpenWrt-21.02 (e4d061cd) OpenWrt-19.07.7 OpenWrt-18.06.9 LEDE-17.01.7
Build OpenWrt images in a Docker container. This is sometimes necessary when building OpenWrt on the host system fails, e.g. when some dependency is too new.
10.07.2021 · OpenWrt as Docker container host As of OpenWrt 20.xx release (or snapshot images), OpenWrt can be used as Docker host at least on x86_64 (PC/server) architecture. There are two main ways to use Docker as a host, install Docker Community Edition, or use native OpenWrt tools that support Docker container specification.
15.08.2020 · The goal of this document is to run OpenWrt images on docker, a container system based on LXC. Import the base image: Run a simple cat inside the docker image: Let's run a basic command: You can also run an interactive shell: There seems to be an issue with /var subdirs not created:
Similarly, DEB packages are used in Debian-based operating systems. Quick platforms refs (in case someone needs rough platform overview):. Docker is an open ...
Debian host, docker up, OpenWRT in docker, run your own (free) VPN. 1. level 1. DutchOfBurdock. · 2m. Yup. Have OpenWRT running on docker on Amazon (EC2 free tier) for Wireguard and OpenVPN. Network landscape for this is odd. The "WAN" is bound to VPS nic, you can open ports as needed through Docker.