13.02.2019 · The following command will store the list of all installed packages on your Debian system to a file called packages_list.txt: sudo dpkg-query -f '$ {binary:Package}\n' -W > packages_list.txt. Copy. Now that you have the list, you can install the same packages on your new server with: sudo xargs -a packages_list.txt apt install.
Listing all installed packages on Debian 11 using dpkg/dpkg-query: ... Debian packages manager is dpkg, dpkg is the command we use to install, remove and manage ...
See AptCLI#List_installed_packages. See also. dpkg-query(1) manpage . debfoster - If dependency changes, debfoster ask if you want to remove the old package. Show the List of Installed Packages on Debian. Linux by examples?AptZip
Another alternative that you can use to list the installed software packages on your Ubuntu VPS is the dpkg command. ... The output of the command will provide ...
20.07.2019 · This command is useful for who are running older Debian version. Run the below command to list all the installed packages: sudo dpkg-query -l | less. From above output you can see version, description and architecture of the packages. Also, same as apt, you can use grep command to filter package with dpkg-query -l command:
dpkg command is used to install, remove and manage Debian packages. Most users interact with packages mainly using the apt/apt-get commands; both apt and apt-get are dpkg frontends. dpkg/dpkg-query allows us to gather more information and can help where dpkg fails like dependencies. How to list all installed packages on Debian 11 is explained in this article.