How to install VMware Tools in Debian 9 – › index › how-to-install-vmwareVMware have an image (.iso) ready for use but there is a more convinied way to install VMware Tools in Debian 9. First, you must open a terminal. Then you should log in as root. You can do this by entering: # su. Then, enter the root password. After entering as root succesfully, issue the following command: # apt-get install open-vm-tools open-vm-tools-desktop. Answer “YES” when you will be asked to download the installation files.
How to install VMware tools in Debian 10 – VITUX › vmware-tools-debianStep 1: To install VMware tools in Debian VM, you will need to connect the VMware tools virtual CD to VM CD-ROM drive. To do so, go to the top menu of your VM manager and navigate to VM > Install VMware tools. In case, if you have already installed VMware tools and you want to repair it, then click on Re-install VMware tools.