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dedupe ratio calculator

Online data deduplication calculators deliver unrealistic ...
15.10.2009 · So determining dedupe ratios is a complex process, and each product takes a different approach to deduplication. But most vendor calculators we looked at asked for just a few pieces of data ...
How to understand deduplication ratios
www.computerweekly.com › tip › How-to-understand
May 26, 2009 · The effectiveness of data deduplication is often expressed as a deduplication or reduction ratio, denoting the ratio of protected capacity to the actual physical capacity stored. A 10:1 ratio ...
How to estimate your data deduplication ratio
searchdatabackup.techtarget.com › tip › How-to
Jun 26, 2007 · Data deduplication ratios are related to the number of changes occurring to the data. Each percentage increase in data change drops the ratio; the commonly cited 20:1 ratio is based on average data change rates of approximately 5%. Precompressed data. Data compression is a key component in every vendor's data-reduction algorithm. Vendors base ...
Understanding data deduplication ratios - SNIA.org
https://www.snia.org › sites › default › files › Und...
Comparing ratios is problematic because of the broad set of assumptions implicit in their calculation. The factors that influence space savings ...
Understanding data deduplication ratios - SNIA
18.07.2008 · A data deduplication ratio over a particular time period is the number of bytes input to a data ... Comparing ratios is problematic because of the broad set of assumptions implicit in their calculation. The factors that influence space savings will be explored in the next section. Best practice considers .
How to estimate your data deduplication ratio - TechTarget
https://www.techtarget.com › tip
Data deduplication ratios are related to the number of changes occurring to the data. Each percentage increase in data change drops the ratio; ...
Hitachi Deduplication Savings Estimator
https://apps.hitachivantara.com › d...
Type of Data, Percentage of Capacity, Expected Deduplication Ratio. Virtual Server/Desktop. Database Workflow. Email. User Directories.
Ratios Explanation - Veritas Vox
https://vox.veritas.com › td-p
For that 10:1 ratio above, the formula is (1 - (1/10) * 100) to get a value in percent. So, 10:1 deduplication equates to 90% reduction in data stored to ...
Estimating Compression and Deduplication Ratios - YouTube
https://www.youtube.com › watch
The talk will examine the following challenging question: how to predict what data reduction ratio one should ...
The Backup Blog: Deduplication Calculator
08.05.2008 · As a follow up to my two previous posts, Deduplication 101 and Deduplication 201, I am going to put up a deduplication calculator.I am doing so with some (considerable) reservations, because by no means should this be mistaken for a reliable or accurate tool.
How to estimate deduplication and compession ratios?
https://kallesplayground.wordpress.com › ...
There is no good and accurate way to estimate deduplication and compression ratios because there are many variables that will affect the ...
How to estimate your data deduplication ratio
26.06.2007 · Data deduplication ratios are related to the number of changes occurring to the data. Each percentage increase in data change drops the ratio; the commonly cited 20:1 ratio is based on average data change rates of approximately 5%. Precompressed data Data compression is a key component in every vendor's data-reduction algorithm.
Online data deduplication calculators deliver unrealistic results
www.computerweekly.com › news › 2240021851
Oct 15, 2009 · So determining dedupe ratios is a complex process, and each product takes a different approach to deduplication. But most vendor calculators we looked at asked for just a few pieces of data ...
How to understand deduplication ratios - ComputerWeekly.com
26.05.2009 · How are these data deduplication ratios determined? The rate is calculated by taking the total capacity of data to back up (i.e., the data …
Space Reduction / Data Dedupe Ratios and Percentages
21.09.2016 · Space Reduction / Data Dedupe Ratios and Percentages. One thing that always gives me pause for thought when dealing with any of the new storage or HCI offerings is the discussion of dedupe or space savings. Some are presented as ratios while others are a percentage. I was recently telling a colleague I was getting 97% dedupe on some VDI ...
The Backup Blog: Deduplication Calculator
thebackupblog.typepad.com › deduplication-c
May 08, 2008 · As a follow up to my two previous posts, Deduplication 101 and Deduplication 201, I am going to put up a deduplication calculator.I am doing so with some (considerable) reservations, because by no means should this be mistaken for a reliable or accurate tool.
Calculate Deduplication and Compression ratio
https://forums.veeam.com › calcula...
Veeam Community discussions and solutions for: Calculate Deduplication and Compression ratio of VMware vSphere.
What is data deduplication ratio? - Definition from WhatIs.com
30.03.2016 · data deduplication ratio: A data deduplication ratio is the measurement of data's original size versus the data's size after removing redundancy .
How to calculate dedupe ratio per folder - Server Fault
https://serverfault.com › questions
Is there a way to determine the zfs dedup ratio on a per folder basis? I realize the potential difficulties in computing this as every block ...
Online data deduplication calculators deliver unrealistic results
https://www.computerweekly.com › ...
If you've considered data deduplication products, you may be familiar with the online calculators that purport to show dedupe ratios on the ...
Understanding data deduplication ratios
www.snia.org › sites › default
Jul 18, 2008 · Space Reduction Ratios and Percentages . A data deduplication ratio over a particular time period is the number of bytes input to a data deduplication process divided by the number of bytes output. Figure 1 depicts the space reduction ratio relevant in most customer situations which reflects all of the complementary capacity
Veeam and StoreOnce capacity calculator? - Veeam R&D Forums
11.01.2016 · Having sold HP StoreOnce & Catalyst solutions in a previous role, its fair to say that I've seen dedupe ratios with StoreOnce for VM's of between 24:1 through to in excess of 50:1. Check out the video on youtube.com from Federico Venier from VeeamOn 2015 - his lab tests show a 15:1 dedupe ratio, which is probably a very safe bet.
How to estimate deduplication and compession ratios? | Kalle ...
kallesplayground.wordpress.com › 2015/07/19 › how-to
Jul 19, 2015 · Example solution #1 has dedupe ratio of 4 which looks good but solution #2 has dedupe ration 8 with same data. Try to use the same test data during different tests so the results would be comparable. Solutions. Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 – built in post-process deduplication engine. Check this page for more information.
Deduplication Calculator - The Backup Blog
https://thebackupblog.typepad.com › ...
The general rule is: the more archival images you store, the lower your deduplication ratio is going to be. Why? Because an archival image ...
Deduplication – What Is Backup Deduplication? – Acronis
Deduplication has the greatest impact when the deduplication ratio has the lowest value. Here is the formula for the deduplication ratio calculation: Deduplication ratio = Unique data percentage + (1 – Unique data percentage) / Number of machines. This means that:
How to estimate deduplication and compession ratios ...
19.07.2015 · In my opinion the honest answer is that you can't estimate. There is no good and accurate way to estimate deduplication and compression ratios because there are many variables that will affect the ratio. There are estimation tools available from different vendors but you will get most accurate numbers by testing different solutions with your actual…