Dele Health Tech | LinkedIn Health Tech | 1 035 følgere på LinkedIn. Fall Management Solution for Dignified Aging | An international technology leader since 2011, Dele Health Tech supports the healthcare industry to prevent fall injuries worldwide. Globally headquartered in Norway, with U.S. headquarters in Texas, Dele Health Tech offers a fall management solution to promote dignified aging.
Dele Health - Norway Health Tech tilbyr programvare for mobil og web for prehospitale tjenester, campus sikkerhet, hjemmekontor, personlige sikkerhetsalarmer og medisinske sensorer for effektiv og kostnadseffektiv innsamling og overvåking av informasjon. I løpet av de siste årene har vi bygget en modulær plattform for hjemmebruk og sikkerhet basert på åpne standarder. Den …
Dele Health Tech - Norway Health Tech › member › delehealthEstablished. 2011. We solve one of the biggest problems of aging today – the problem of falling. As 70% of deaths among people over 75 years is directly or indirectly a result of falling, we need to fix this problem now. Through our data models and machine learning capabilities, we are going from today´s fall detection to fall prediction and ...