Auto Encoders - GitHub Pages Experiments (Github link) Here is a link to a simple Autoencoder in PyTorch. MNIST is used as the dataset. The input is binarized and Binary Cross Entropy has been used as the loss function. The hidden layer contains 64 units. The Fig. 2 shows the reconstructions at 1st, 100th and 200th epochs: Fig. 2 - Reconstructions by an Autoencoder.
Denoising-Autoencoder - GitHub Pages › Denoising-AutoencoderDenoising CNN Auto Encoder's with noise added to the input of several layers : 798.236076; Denoising CNN Auto Encoder's with ConvTranspose2d : 643.130252; Denoising CNN Auto Encoder's with ConvTranspose2d and noise added to the input of several layers : 693.438727; Denoising CNN Auto Encoder's with MaxPool2D and ConvTranspose2d : 741.706279