Dependent Prepositions | EFL Magazine › dependent-prepositionsDependent prepositions worksheet Pearson Longman Prepositions after adjectives Find Your Feet Dependent prepositions worksheet My Grammar Lab Preposition exercises and other exercises Dependent preposition exercises I Spilled the Beans Prepositions after adjectives exercise English4you Dependent prepositions exercises Fiesta ESL Adjective + Preposition 1 Adjective + Preposition 2 EOI De Mieres Dependent prepositions exercise
Dependent preposition exercise › dep-prepositionsDependent prepositions 1 Verbs, adjectives, nouns and their prepositions. When a verb is followed by an object or gerund it is often accompanied by a preposition. The verb needs this preposition to express the meaning so we call these words dependent prepositions. There are similar cases with adjectives and nouns that use prepositions.