What is the derivative of a summation ...
rehabilitationrobotics.net › what-is-theWhat is the derivative of a summation? Generally, if you’re dealing with well-behaved functions the derivative of a summation is equal to the summation of the derivatives of each term (i.e. you can switch the order of the two, which you can see just by checking a few basic examples). How do you differentiate a summation function?
python - Derivative of summations - Stack Overflow
stackoverflow.com › questions › 39193771Aug 29, 2016 · I am using sympy from time to time, but am not very good at it. At the moment I am stuck with defining a list of indexed variables, i.e. n1 to nmax and performing a summation on it. Then I want to be able to take the derivative: So far I tried the following: numSpecies = 10 n = IndexedBase ('n') i = symbols ("i",cls=Idx) nges = summation (n [i ...