Derivatives of Polynomial Functions - Concept - Calculus ... › math › calculusShare. Explanation. Transcript. The derivative of a polynomial function involving multiple linear and/or power functions can be found using the formulas for finding linear and power functions, along with the constant multiple and sum rules. The constant multiple rule lets the polynomial derivatives of multiples of power functions simply be multiples of their derivatives, while the sum rule allows monomial parts of the polynomial to be calculated one by one.
World Web Math: Derivatives of Polynomials › wwmath › calculusPolynomials are some of the simplest functions we use. We need to know the derivatives of polynomials such as x 4 +3x, 8x 2 +3x+6, and 2. Let's start with the easiest of these, the function y=f(x)=c, where c is any constant, such as 2, 15.4, or one million and four (10 6 +4). It turns out that the derivative of any constant function is zero.