o Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (EMPL) [internal]: DG EMPL coordinates and monitors national policies and it promotes the sharing of best practices in fields like employment, poverty and social exclusion and pensions. o Energy (ENER) [internal]: DG ENER focuses on developing and implementing EU energy policy.
La DG EMPL élabore et met en œuvre la politique de la Commission dans les domaines suivants : Emploi et affaires sociales. Éducation et formation . Les politiques de l'Union européenne en matière d'emploi et de social se manifestent concrètement dans la vie des citoyens, ...
Directorates-General. The Secretary-General is responsible for the organisation of parliamentary business under the political leadership of the European Parliament President, the Bureau of the European Parliament and the Conference of Presidents of the European Parliament. The Secretary-General ensures the requisite cooperation and coordination ...
dg regio directorate-general for regional & urban policy commissioner : elisa ferreira date of effect: 01/12/2021 regio.03 inclusive growth, urban & territorial development marek teplansky gergana miladinova principal adviser for international relations (1) normunds popens (acting) regio.02 coordination of programmes kadri uustal witold willak ...
DG EMPL develops and carries out the Commission's policies on: Employment and social affairs. Education and training. EU employment and social policies bring practical benefits to citizens, for example, in finding a job, moving to another Member State for …
(FISMA) [intene]: La DG FISMA a pou mission d’initie et de mette en œuve les politiques de l’Union euopéenne dans les domaines bancaire et financier. o Traduction (DGT) [interne] : La DG DGT est chargée de traduire des documents écrits pour la Commission européenne dans les 24 langues de l’Union européenne.
List of European Commission DG EMPL staff monitoring by country ... to the detailed list of desk officers in DG EMPL who is responsible both for Europe 2020 ...
DG Climate Action. Vice. President. Margaritis. Schinas ... DG Competition. Executive. Vice President ... DG Employment,. Social Affairs and Inclusion.
12.10.2021 · Funding. Projects relating to employment, social affairs and social inclusion are financed through different EU funds and programmes. European Job Mobility Portal. About us. Commissioner: Nicolas Schmit.
Please note that this website will be undergoing technical maintenance between 28 and 31 August. Consequently, users may experience instabilities and limited functionality.
dg empl directorate-general for employment, social affairs & inclusion commissioners : nicolas schmit helena dalli deputy director- general funds, fair transition and analysis andriana sukova hr business correspondent!q?@? dd)6 !2',% directorate f …
The Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) is a Directorate-General of the European Commission. The Directorate-General ...