13.09.2017 · I am trying to find the checksum of a file in a playbook using the stat module. --- - name: loading checksum to variable stat: path: /data/foo.256 checksum_algorithm: sha25...
30.07.2021 · Is response_data a dictionary? You write return response_data is that in a view?A view should return an HttpResponse (or something inheriting from it) object and not something else. Also please see how to write a minimal reproducible example (one of the parts of which is completeness, i.e. your example should be complete and can be run by itself).
Thus the filter should not have the complex accessing and retrieval functions ... horse detects that the filter has changed the checksum of some data item, ...
4 Answers4. Show activity on this post. This is not the exact same code. If you look carefully at the example, you'll see that under users, you have several dicts. In your case, you have two dicts but with just one key ( alice, or telephone) with respective values of "Alice", 123. - hosts: localhost gather_facts: no tasks: - name: print phone ...
22.04.2019 · I'm trying to test a UDP program on what happens if it receives data with a bad UDP checksum. Strangely, it seems to have no effect, and the …
15.05.2019 · @ayoubensalem it was changed recently - for 2.11.0 release, it's 1.15.3 max that why I said. look at the version you use;-) For 2.11, depending if you refer to the branch or the tag (same answer in both cases)
124 data bits at the relation, attribute, record or data item level. ... Thus the filter should not have the complex accessing and retrieval functions of ...
04.05.2017 · I have tried variations with parenthesis ( (userdata.stat.exists is defined and userdata.stat.exists == True)) as well.And dropped the if defined part. However that part does make sense to me in my code, because it can actually be missing if the file task did not notice a change that would register the mkdir to trigger the check for user data.
IF you are searching for a specific module, you can check the runtime.yml file, ... How do I configure a jump host to access servers that I have no direct ...