What is the difference between LSTM, RNN and …
Answer: First, sequence-to-sequence is a problem setting, where your input is a sequence and your output is also a sequence. Typical examples of sequence-to-sequence problems are machine translation, question answering, generating …
Difference between feedback RNN and LSTM/GRU
09.03.2020 · LSTMs are often referred to as fancy RNNs. Vanilla RNNs do not have a cell state. They only have hidden states and those hidden states serve as the memory for RNNs. Meanwhile, LSTM has both cell states and a hidden …
What is the difference between a RNN and LSTM in keras ...
www.projectpro.io › recipes › what-is-differenceMay 06, 2022 · RNN stands for *Recurrent Neural Networks* these are the first kind of neural network algorithm that can memorize or remember the previous inputs in memory. It difficult to train RNN that requires long-term memorization meanwhile LSTM performs better in these kinds of datasets it has more additional special units that can hold information longer. LSTM includes a 'memory cell' that can maintain information in memory for long periods of time.