The present continuous and past continuous tenses (also called present progressive and past progressive) are used when we are describing actions that continue ...
25.06.2015 · The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that began in the past and ended in the past.. The present perfect continuous is used to describe an action that began in the past but continues up till the point of speaking about it(the present).. Considering the scenario that you've provided, if you reached your workplace and noticed that your colleague is still at …
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The past simple shows us that an action was in the past, not in the present. Regular past simple verbs have -ed at the end (e.g. called, played, arrived).
We use the present continuous and past continuous verb tenses when talking or writing about actions that continue or continued over a period of time In our parents' guide to the continuous or progressive verb tenses we explain what children are taught in the primary-school classroom.
The Past Perfect Continuous Tense is used in the same way as the Present Perfect Continuous Tense, but it refers to a time in the past. On the other hand, Present Perfect Continuous Tense refers to the time in the present ( now ).
The present continuous and past continuous tenses (also called present progressive and past progressive) are used when we are describing actions that continue for a period of time in the present or in the past. To form the present continuous and past continuous we use the present / past tense of the verb to be and the present participle of the main verb (I am walking / I was walking).
Jun 25, 2015 · The past continuous tense is used to describe an action that began in the past and ended in the past. The present perfect continuous is used to describe an action that began in the past but continues up till the point of speaking about it(the present).
The present continuous tells about an action that is happening now. You can use it to tell about the work you do, the skills you have, the school you attend, ...
However, the main difference between the two is that the present perfect continuous refers to time in the present while the past perfect continuous refers to time in the past. [1] Before we go into the differences between these two verb tenses, it is important to understand them separately. Present Perfect Continuous
In the case of the present perfect continuous, the action is still going on, but you consider the past portion of it. Example: Your colleague is on your ...
Differences Between the Two Tenses. As you can see, the present perfect continuous and past perfect continuous both describe event that start in the past. The main difference is. The present perfect continuous relates the present (right now) And. The past perfect continuous relates only to the past.
Learn English – The difference between “past continuous” and “present perfect continuous”. differences past-tense perfect-continuous. Let's consider the following context: You come to the office on Saturday and see somebody finish some. actions and now (s)he is sitting at your workplace (you didn't expect. to meet anyone), but anyway ...
A sentence in the Present Continuous indicates that the action, event or condition is ongoing. It is happening at this point in time and emphasizing the ...