Differential and Integral Equations
www.scimagojr.com › journalsearchDifferential and Integral Equations will publish carefully selected research papers on mathematical aspects of differential and integral equations and on applications of the mathematical theory to issues arising in the sciences and in engineering. Papers submitted to this journal should be correct, new, and of interest to a substantial number ...
Integration and Differential Equations
howellkb.uah.edu › public_html › DEtextthe differential equation with s replacing x gives dy ds = 3s2. Integrating this with respect to s from 2 to x : Z x 2 dy ds ds = Z x 2 3s2 ds ֒→ y(x) − y(2) = s3 x 2 = x3 − 23. Solving for y(x) (and computing 23) then gives us y(x) = x3 − 8 + y(2) . This is a general solution to our differential equation. To find the particular ...