Second Order Differential Equations › medialand › mathsSubstitution into the given equation yields: k2ekx −ke kx−6ekx = 0 that is (k2 −k −6)e = 0 The only way this equation can be satisfied for all values of x is if k2 −k −6 = 0 that is, (k − 3)(k + 2) = 0 so that k = 3 or k = −2. That is to say, if y = ekx is to be a solution of the differential equation, k must be either 3 or −2.
Simplifying Through Substitution › public_html › DEtextof x . This results in a new differential equation with u being the function of interest. If the substitution truly is clever, then this new differential equation will be separable or linear (or, maybe, even directly integrable), and can be be solved for u in terms of x using methods discussed in previous chapters.
1 ORDER O.D.E. - MadAsMaths by T. Madas Created by T. Madas Question 4 (***) ( )( ) 2 dy 4x y x y dx x + + = , x > 0. a) Use the substitution y xv= , where v f x= ( ), to show that the above differential equation can be transformed to x vdv ( )2 2 dx = + . b) Hence find the general solution of the original differential equation, giving the answer in the form y f x= ( ). c) Use the boundary condition y = − 1 at ...
2nd Order Differential Equations - MadAsMaths › archive › maths_bookletsThe following differential equation is to be solved 2 ( )2 3 5 2 8 1 12 12 d y dy x x x y x dx dx − + + = , subject to the boundary conditions 10 3 y = , 2 2 10 d y dx = at x = 0. c) Show further that the substitution 1 x t= 2, where y f x= ( ), transforms the above differential equation into the differential equation 2 2 4 3 3 d y dy y t dt ...