Differential Equations - NCERT
www.ncert.nic.in › ncerts › lIn contrast to the first two equations, the solution of this differential equation is a function φ that will satisfy it i.e., when the function φ is substituted for the unknown y (dependent variable) in the given differential equation, L.H.S. becomes equal to R.H.S..
Differential Equations - NCERT
https://www.ncert.nic.in/ncerts/l/lemh203.pdf(iii) The highest order derivative present in the differential equation is y′′′, so its order is three. The given differential equation is not a polynomial equation in its derivatives and so its degree is not defined. EXERCISE 9.1 Determine order and degree (if defined) of differential equations given in Exercises 1 to 10. 1. 4 4 sin( ) 0 ...
Chapter 9 Differential Equations
cdn.aglasem.com › schools › cbseClass XII Chapter 9 – Differential Equations Maths Page 3 of 120 It is a polynomial equation inand the power raised tois 1. Hence, its degree is one. Question 6: Determine order and degree(if defined) of differential equation Answer The highest order derivative present in the differential equation is. Therefore, its order is three.