Differential equations with applications in cancer diseases
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 24340548The cancer modeling is a highly challenging problem at the frontier of applied mathematics. A variety of modeling strategies have been developed, each focusing on one or more aspects of cancer. Material and methods: The vast majority of mathematical models in cancer diseases biology are formulated in terms of differential equations. We propose an original mathematical model with small parameter for the interactions between these two cancer cell sub-populations and the mathematical model of a ...
Partial Differential Equations in Cancer Modelling
www.birs.ca › workshops › 2015cancer modelling are based on partial differential equations (PDEs) that include spatial heterogeneity, orien-tational tissue structure, tissue stiffness and deformability. The analysis of these coupled non-linear PDEs is challenging. Specific problems relate to reaction-diffusion equations, transport equations, continuum equa-