Chapter 2 Differentiation: Basic Concepts › ~hjlu › HoffmannDIFFERENTIATION: BASIC CONCEPTS The rate of change is greater in magnitude in the period following the burst of blood. (b) Writing exercise – answers will vary. 36. (a) → → + −−− = == 0 0 (3( ) 2) (3 2) '( ) lim 3 lim 3 h h xh x fx h h h (b) At x =−1, y =3( 1) 2 5−−=−and (1, 5)−− is a point on the tangent line.
A: TABLE OF BASIC DERIVATIVES › ~aswish › AMAT219TABLES_W11A: TABLE OF BASIC DERIVATIVES Let u = u(x) be a differentiable function of the independent variable x, that is u(x) exists. (A) The Power Rule : Examples : d dx {un} = nu n−1. u d dx {(x3 + 4x + 1)3/4} = 3 4 (x3 + 4x + 1)−1/4.(3x2 + 4) d dx {u} = 1 2 u.u d dx { 2 − 4x2 + 7x5} = 1 2 2 − 4x2 + 7x5 (−8x + 35x4) d dx {c} = 0 , c is a ...
1. Basic Derivative formulae › Formulas-Derivative1. Basic Derivative formulae (xn)0 = nxn−1 (ax)0 = ax lna (ex)0 = ex (log a x) 0 = 1 xlna (lnx)0 = 1 x (sinx)0 = cosx (cosx)0 = −sinx (tanx)0 = sec2 x (cotx)0 = −csc2 x (secx)0 = secxtanx (cscx)0 = −cscxcotx (sin−1 x)0 = 1 √ 1−x2 (cos−1 x)0 = −1 √ 1−x2 (tan−1 x)0 = 1 1+x2 (cot−1 x)0 = −1 1+x2 (sec−1 x)0 = 1 x √ ...
A: TABLE OF BASIC DERIVATIVES TABLE OF BASIC DERIVATIVES Let u = u(x) be a differentiable function of the independent variable x, that is u(x) exists. (A) The Power Rule : Examples : d dx {un} = nu n−1. u ddx {(x3 + 4x + 1)3/4} = 34 (x3 + 4x + 1)−1/4.(3x2 + 4)d dx {u} = 12 u.u d dx { 2 − 4x2 + 7x5} = 1 2 2 − 4x2 + 7x5 (−8x + 35x4) d dx {c} = 0 , c is a constant ddx {6} = 0 , since ≅ 3.14 is a constant.