12.03.2015 · Present Perfect Simple. ll Present Perfect è il tempo verbale che esprime il concetto generale di un’azione che, pur essendosi svolta nel …
Troverai tante spiegazioni ed esempi con i casi e le differenze tra le due ... Il present perfect simple si costruisce aggiungendo al presente del verbo ...
26.06.2018 · Oggi daremo spazio a due coniugazioni in inglese molto importanti: il Present Perfect Simple e il Present Perfect Continuous. Il primo si utilizza quando vogliamo esprimere un'azione che pur essendo già accaduta nel passato, non è ancora conclusa, ha ancora qualche collegamento con il presente. Con il Continuous, il discorso è lo stesso, abbiamo ancora un …
Si usa il present perfect continuous. Si usa il present perfect simple. È preferibile usare il present perfect continuous Quando si desidera evidenziare che l'azione, iniziata al passato e tuttora in corso, si è svolta ininterrottamente. Confronta He has been playing for over two hours now.
21.05.2021 · Present Perfect vs Present Perfect Continuous The difference between present perfect and present perfect continuous is that present perfect refers to the action which has been completed in the past and on the other hand, present perfect continuous emphasizes sentences that are not confirmed whether the action is completed or not.
Exercises: 1 2 3. Exercise 1. Choose the present perfect simple or present perfect continuous to complete the sentences below. If both tenses are possible, use the present perfect continuous. 1 I. 've been cycling 've cycled. and my legs are really tired now. 2 I'm sorry I'm late,
27.07.2018 · Present Perfect Simple vs Continuos. Il Present Perfect Continuos: Usiamo il PPC per: - focalizzarci su un'azione continua e ripetuta per un certo lasso di tempo, che non si è …
Present Perfect Simple vs Continuous - The Difference between these Two Tenses (PDF Available) - https://www.tofluency.com/ppsc/ (free PDF) - This video exp...
28.01.2021 · Accade spesso di avere dubbi tra il present perfect simple e il present perfect continuous. Il prof Sandro Marenco ci spiega la differenza in meno di un minuto
We use both the present perfect simple (have or has + past participle) and the present perfect continuous (have or has + been + -ing form) to talk about ...
Il present perfect simple si forma con il presente del verbo to have + il past participle del verbo dell'azione che si compie. Il present perfect continuous si ...
First of all, it is essential to make clear that both verb tenses, the present perfect simple ( explanation in detail) and the present perfect continuous (detailed explanation) are tenses of the present. This fact is critical to know as both tenses are in any case somehow related to the present (now) although the event or the process might have ...
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous ( Download this explanation in PDF ) We use both of these tenses for finished and unfinished actions. The present perfect simple can be used (often with 'since' and 'for') to talk about unfinished actions that started in the past and are still true in the present.
Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous (Download this explanation in PDF) We use both of these tenses for finished and unfinished actions. The present perfect simple can be used (often with 'since' and 'for') to talk about unfinished actions that started in the past and are still true in the present.
Accade spesso di avere dubbi tra il present perfect simple e il present perfect continuous. Il prof Sandro Marenco ci spiega la differenza in meno di un minuto