Aug 29, 2020 · 51 Hard English Words To Pronounce (What They Mean And How To Say Them) 1. Accede. How is it pronounced? What does it mean? To accede means to give your consent or approval to someone else’s... 2. Alias. How is it pronounced? What does it mean? An alias is an assumed name or identity. 3. Anathema. ...
12.06.2019 · The Most Difficult English Words 1. Onomatopoeia Okay, so this is a difficult one even for English people. One of our Instagram followers, Abdulla from UAE, chose this as one of the trickiest English words because of the multiple vowel sounds, and we have to agree! Pronounced: Ono-mato-pee-ah 2. Thorough
Sep 27, 2019 · This means that most of these people have run into trouble with at least some of the following English words: Abjure – solemnly renounce something Abnegation – the action of renouncing or rejecting something Bashful – reluctant to draw attention to oneself Beguile – to charm someone in a deceptive ...
Nov 16, 2021 · 10 most difficult words in English 1. Literally. If you know a language purist, watch out. Misuse of this word has been known to raise people’s blood... 2. Ironic. Here is a word that has confused almost all English speakers – native or otherwise. ... While irony is often... 3. Irregardless ...
27.09.2019 · Ebullient – cheerful and full of energy (one of the most difficult English words) Egregious – outstandingly bad Fallacious – based on a mistaken belief Fatuous – silly and pointless Fetter – a chain used to restrain a prisoner Garrulous – excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters Gourmand – a person who enjoys eating
7 most difficult English words that will let you forget what you wanted to say · 7. Rural · 6. Sixth · 5. Sesquipedalian · 4. Phenomenon · 3. Onomatopoeia · 2.
Looking for a 7th grade selling challenge, here are some really hard words to spell for 7th graders. Association Atmosphere Bicycle Corollary Confetti Defalcation Bizarre Braggadocio Echelon Gelatinous Panache Xylem Hard Words To Spell For 8th Graders Condescend Discernible Concede Assuage Contemptuous Imprudent Conscience Bazaar Ferocious
06.03.2021 · Below List of 50 Most Difficult Words and Meanings carefully organized will enhance your English Vocabulary for sure. 1. Abnegation Pronounced as /abnɪˈɡeɪʃ (ə)n/. Meaning – Renouncing any belief or doctrine. Example – I have a strong belief in the abnegation of religions and cultures. 2. Aggrandize Pronounced as /əˈɡrandʌɪz/
11.09.2021 · Some difficult words in English can be a pest for everyone, whether it be a native speaker or a new learner. There are multiple tough words in the language which are troublesome. It becomes impossible to get a hold of these words, especially for those who are preparing for competitive exams.
16.11.2021 · As a follow up to our article on confusing words, here are ten of the most difficult words in English. 1. Literally If you know a language purist, watch out. Misuse of this word has been known to raise people’s blood pressure. ‘Literally’ means, “in a literal sense”, or “what I’m saying is not imagined, but truly happened as I’m saying it.”
Explore the Words · abject. of the most contemptible kind · aberration. a state or condition markedly different from the norm · abjure. formally reject or disavow ...