Diffusion Equation: Fick's Laws of Diffusion
www.comsol.com › multiphysics › diffusion-equationJan 14, 2015 · where for species i, Ni is the molar flux (mol m -2 s -1 ), Di is the diffusion coefficient (m 2 s -1 ), and ci is the concentration (mol m -3 ). From the continuity equation for mass: we can derive Fick's second law directly: This assumes that Di is a constant, which is only true for dilute solutions. This is usually a good assumption for diffusion in solids; diffusion of chemicals in a dilute solution, water, or other typical liquid solvents; and diffusion of dilute (trace) species in the ...
The Diffusion Equation
www-eng.lbl.gov › ~shuman › NEXT26 2. THE DIFFUSION EQUATION q(l;t) = •(l) @µ @x (l;t) = fl(t): (2.1.9) at the right hand end. In particular, fl(t) · 0 corresponds to insulating the right hand end of the bar. If both ends are insulated we deal with the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. Remark 2.1. Other boundary conditions like the periodic one are also pos-sible. 2.2.
1 The Diffusion Equation - Stanford University
web.stanford.edu › class › energy281The pressure equation for one dimensional flow (equation (15)) can be writ-ten in dimensionless form by choosing the following dimensionless variables: pD = pi −p pi, xD = x L, tD = kt φµctL2, (18) where L is a length scale in the problem. With this choice of dimensionless variables the flow equation becomes: ∂2pD ∂x2 D = ∂pD ∂tD (19)