Norway - Digital River - EN › global-availability › norwayTheir ecommerce market was projected to be $6.4 billion by end of 2020 and $7.8 billion by the end of 2025. Most popular categories are fashion, consumer electronics, toys and hobby, furniture and appliances, and food and personal care items. Supported Ecommerce Services in Norway Processing Currency NOK Available Product Categories Digital
JOIN21 | Digital Norway › success-story › digital-norwayDigital Norway is a non-profit organization inititated by Norwegian goverement and 18 largest companies in the country, with a single aim: helping SMEs nation-wide succeed with digitalization, through courses and shared insights. The initiative’s basic idea is to collaborate when possible and compete when necessary.
Norge digitalt digitalt-samarbeidet er et samarbeid mellom virksomheter som har ansvar for å fremskaffe stedfestet informasjon og/eller som er store brukere av slik informasjon. Partene i samarbeidet er kommuner, fylker og nasjonale etater som er leverandører og brukere av geografiske data og online-tjenester.
Digital Innovation Hub - DigitalNorway › prosjekter › euDigitalNorway is one of five fully operational Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in Norway. Our far-reaching network provides great opportunities for SMEs, and allows us stay on top of the latest trends and developments within digital innovation. Concact person Pavan K Sriram Ansvarlig for internasjonale prosjekter
Home - Centre for Digital Life Norway
www.digitallifenorway.orgDec 15, 2021 · The Centre for Digital Life Norway (DLN) transforms Norwegian biotechnology research and education to increase innovation and value creation for society. The centre has research projects all over the country. Transdisciplinary collaboration is our trademark. What we do The centre management gives the 40 research projects in the centre guidance on:
Forsiden - DigitalNorway
https://digitalnorway.comKunnskapen du trenger i en digital verden! DigitalNorway får fart på digitaliseringen av norsk næringsliv, med et spesielt fokus på små og mellomstore bedrifter. Våre eiere er noen av de største næringslivsaktørene i Norge. Les mer.