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Chrome Dino Spill Online, dinosaur spill har sin hensikt: for å unngå kaktuser og pterodactyls. Selv om spillet ser ganske lett, det tar ikke lang tid å bli vanskelig, fordi spillet hastighet vil være stadig økende etter hvert som du avanserer videre. Hvordan Spille Chrome Dinosaur Spill I Frakoblet Modus?
Play T-Rex Dinosaur Game Online - elgooG › t-rexDinosaur game, also known as T-Rex game, is a "no internet game" in Google Chrome. You can control a running dinosaur by tapping the screen or pressing space, ↑ or ↓ to avoid obstacles, including cacti and pterodactyls. When you reache 700 points, the game begins to switch between day and night. Play the hacked Google T-rex Dinosaur game ...
Play T-Rex Dinosaur Game Online - elgooG game, also known as T-Rex game, is a "no internet game" in Google Chrome. You can control a running dinosaur by tapping the screen or pressing space, ↑ or ↓ to avoid obstacles, including cacti and pterodactyls. When you reache 700 points, the game begins to switch between day and night. Play the hacked Google T-rex Dinosaur game ...