El verbo "dire" en francés - FrancesSencillo.com
www.francessencillo.com › direEl verbo "dire" en francés 1 Significado 2 Conjugación de "dire" 2.1 Conjugación del presente simple ( Le présent) 2.2 Imperfecto (Imparfait) 2.3 Pasado Compuesto (Le passé composé) 2.4 Futuro Simple (Futur simple) 2.5 Condicional Presente (Conditionnel) 2.6 Imperativo (Impératif) 2.7 Participio (Participe) 2.8 Pasado Simple (Passé simple)
Dire : Conjugation of french verb dire
www.frenchconjugation.com › direDire verb is direct transitive. French verb dire can be conjugated in the reflexive form: Se dire Dire verb is a direct transitive verb, so passive voice can be used. Conjugation rules Dire is a french third group verb. So, this verb is irregular and do not follow a regular conjugation pattern like first or second group verbs.