Chapter 14: Basic Radiobiology › training › materialsIAEA Radiation Oncology Physics: A Handbook for Teachers and Students - 14.4.1 Slide 2 14.4 IRRADIATION OF CELLS 14.4.1 Direct action in cell damage by radiation Direct action is the dominant process in the interaction of high LET particles such as neutrons or alpha particles with biological material. In direct action caused by x-ray or gamma ...
Chapter 14 BASIC RADIOBIOLOGY - IAEA › NAHU › DMRPeventually produce the biological damage. Direct action is the dominant process in the interaction of high LET particles with biological material. 14.4.2. Indirect action in cell damage by radiation In indirect action the radiation interacts with other molecules and atoms (mainly water, since about 80% of a cell is composed of water) within the ...
RAF310 - Radiation Biology - Multiple choice questions › staff › c5. Direct action of radiation is the dominant process for: a. X-rays. b. Neutrons and alpha particles. c. Electrons. d. Gamma rays. 6. Which of the following statements is true? a. Indirect action can be modified by protectors or sensitizers. b. Direct action can be modified by protectors or sensitizers. 7. A free radical is: a. Any charged ...
Chapter 14: Basic Radiobiology - IAEA › nahu › DMRP14.4.1 Direct action in cell damage by radiation Direct action is the dominant process in the interaction of high LET particles such as neutrons or alpha particles with biological material. In direct action caused by x-ray or gamma ray photons, the photon interaction with an atom in the cell produces a
D – dosimetry resource desk › dThis is called direct action of radiation; it is the dominant process if radiations with high linear energy transfer (LET) , such as neutrons or α -particles, are considered. Characteristics of direct action of radiation: Causes damage by direct excitation or ionization This is the dominant process for high LET radiation LET of keV/mm