Direct / Indirect Object
78bbm3rv7ks4b6i8j3cuklc1-wpengine.netdna-ssl.comProvided by the Academic Center for Excellence 2 Direct / Indirect Object In the following exercise, underline the direct objects once and underline the indirect objects twice. **Not all sentences will contain direct and indirect objects. 1) We ate steak for dinner. 2) Snow and ice covered the streets. 3) She gives Jacob violin lessons.
Direct And Indirect Objects Quiz! - ProProfs Quiz › quiz-school › storyDec 13, 2021 · In the study of English grammar, the terms “indirect” and “direct” objects refer to the people, things, or places being referred to in a sentence. Indirect objects are identified as the whom or what in a sentence a verb is being performed for. Direct objects are the receiver of said verbs. For example, the indirect and direct objects in the sentence “I gave my wife flowers” are ‘wife’ and ‘flowers’ respectively.