Prepare a series of cards/slips of paper, each with a different sentence. Here are some examples: I'm sorry I'm late. These canapés are delicious. What time is ...
Tell them to write in direct speech the reported speech. They can add more detail if they like. At the end, have different students read their quotes and ask the others if they can see what story it came from. Activity: Shades of meaning 1. The choice of whether or not to 'backshift' the tenses in reported speech often has to do with the reporter’s interpretation.
Indirect Memory. Not all activities practicing reported speech have to be speaking activities. You can set up a simple game of memory using direct quotes and their associated reported speech. Start by writing five to ten sentences in direct speech, each on its own index card.
Direct and Reported Speech Worksheets. These worksheets will help you to review and practice using direct and reported speech in English. Go over the explanations and examples first, then complete the illustrated exercises to practice. This is a lot of information! You can also look at our page on direct and reported speech.
In this free direct and reported speech activity, students play a pelmanism game where they change direct speech into reported speech. Players take it in turns to turn over a direct speech card and read what's on the card, e.g. "I like pizza", she said. The player then changes the direct speech into reported speech, e.g.
Fun ways of practising Reported Speech. Alex Case offers 15 ideas for getting learners to use indirect speech. 1. Reported speech reversi. Prepare cards with reported speech on one side and direct speech of the same sentence on the other. Students have to correctly say what is on the other side to turn it over and score one point.
Tell them to write in direct speech the reported speech. They can add more detail if they like. At the end, have different students read their quotes and ask the others if they can see what story it came from. Activity: Shades of meaning 1. The choice of whether or not to 'backshift' the tenses in reported speech often has to do with the ...
In direct speech, a sentence is described exactly as it was told, usually with inverted commas. For example, "I bid you farewell Earthlings!” shouted Iggy from ...
Answer Key · 1. They said they were getting married that afternoon. · 2. He said his children gave him a tie for Father's Day. · 3. He said he had been standing ...
What Are Direct Speech and Reported Speech? Direct speech is exactly what a person says. When we want to quote someone's exact words, we use quotation marks. For example: "The novel is really interesting," said Andrea. When we want to report what someone said, we do not use quotation marks. We report what they said, but we don't use their exact words. This is called reported speech or indirect speech. For example:
In this free direct and reported speech activity, students play a pelmanism game where they change direct speech into reported speech. Players take it in turns to turn over a direct speech card and read what's on the card, e.g. "I like pizza", she said. The player then changes the direct speech into reported speech, e.g.
05.09.2012 · Reported Speech Card Games. For some students, the best way to learn Reported Speech is by reading the statements they have to report. This is why we often write them on the board. Try these card games instead! For the first game, prepare a set of index card each with a direct speech statement on one side and the indirect statement on the other.
Change direct speech to the correct version of reported speech. This activity will require a little bit of prep time before class. First, decide on the songs you’ll use for the lesson. Then, convert the speech in each song into direct speech and create a worksheet listing all …
07.11.2018 · 7 Activities for Teaching Reported Speech in the ESL Classroom . When teaching reported speech the potential for mistakes, errors, and the general difficulty is enormous due to the number of changes that are made with verb tenses, patterns, pronouns, questions, time expressions etc..
Our direct and reported speech worksheets help 8th grade and high school students iron out any confusion they have in the topic, and enable them to immaculately convert direct to indirect and vice versa.
Direct vs indirect speech · 1. I shall, we shall usually become would. "I shall appreciate it," he said. - He said he would appreciate it. · 2. I should, we ...
22.02.2018 · Direct and Reported Speech worksheets with optional powerpoint. This set of worksheets introduces the rules for direct and reported speech and gives exercises of converting dialogues each way. They are roughly graded from 1 (suitable for less advanced learners) to 7 (for the more advanced group).
Prepare cards with reported speech on one side and direct speech of the same sentence on the other. Students have to correctly say what is on the other side to ...