Indirect vs. Direct Labor: How to Hit the Magic 70% ... · However they define indirect labor, they mostly agree on a goal to have staff on task and performing direct labor at least 70% of the time, with 80% being the ultimate goal. Out of the 2,080 hours a year that a full-time technician can work, 70% of that, or 1,456 hours, to 80% of that, or 1,664 hours, should be direct hours.
The difference between direct and indirect labor ... › articles › the-differenceDec 24, 2021 · The difference between direct and indirect labor. April 14, 2021. / Steven Bragg. The difference between direct labor and indirect labor is that only labor involved in the hands-on production of goods and services is considered to be direct labor. All other labor is, by default, classified as indirect labor. This distinction is important from an accounting perspective, since the two types of labor are treated differently.