10.2: Direct, Indirect and Induced Economic Impacts ...
geo.libretexts.org › Bookshelves › GeologySep 02, 2021 · Economists, in fact, use just this term to describe the size of these spillover effects. The employment multiplier(or just “multiplier” for short) is defined as the ratio of the size of the indirect and induced workforce to the direct workforce. A multiplier equal to one means that the spillover effect is just as large as the size of the direct workforce, and a multiplier greater than one means that the spillover effect is larger than the size of the direct workforce.
Direct, Indirect and Induced Economic Impacts | Marcellus ...
www.e-education.psu.edu › marcellus › nodeEconomists, in fact, use just this term to describe the size of these spillover effects. The employment multiplier (or just “multiplier” for short) is defined as the ratio of the size of the indirect and induced workforce to the direct workforce. A multiplier equal to one means that the spillover effect is just as large as the size of the direct workforce, and a multiplier greater than one means that the spillover effect is larger than the size of the direct workforce.
Definitions - Economic Impact | UAB
https://www.uab.edu/impact/definitions01.10.2015 · Total Economic Impact. The total impact of an organization is a compilation of the direct impact, the indirect impact, and the induced impact generated in the economy as a result of the organization. Direct Economic Impact. Direct impact includes all direct effects the organization has on the region due to the organization’s operations.