Which Solver? FFEPlus vs. Direct Sparse - PART 1
www.javelin-tech.com › blog › 2013Jan 15, 2013 · The direct solver, Direct Sparse, solves the set of equations directly without any approximations and hence there are no errors associated with the solution process. There will still be discretization errors which are present both in iterative or direct solvers. A solver may be selected changing the study properties from the study feature tree.
Direct linear equation solver
abaqus-docs.mit.edu › simaanl-c-solveroverviewThe direct sparse solver uses a “multifront” technique that can reduce the computational time to solve the equations dramatically if the equation system has a sparse structure. Such a matrix structure typically arises when the physical model is made from several parts or branches that are connected together; a spoked wheel is a good example ...
Direct Solver - MathWorks
https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/1196826.02.2021 · The direct sparse solver (\) unfortunately doesn't have methods for complex symmetric or hermitian problems, only for real symmetric and general nonsymmetric. Most likely, the problem is with fill-in in the factorization. The order of the rows and columns of a sparse matrix has a strong influence on how many nonzeros its factorization will have ...