Indirect Effect Ecological Theory Trophic Cascade Apparent Competition Meadow ... importance of direct versus indirect effects in ecological communities, ...
15.12.2019 · For the differences in the direct and indirect responses of trees and shrubs to environmental factors, ecological niche differences may influence the magnitude of indirect effects. Another factor contributing to variability in the size of raw indirect effects is asymmetry in interspecific interactions (Kleinhesselink & Adler, 2015 ).
16.11.2012 · The direct and indirect (cascading) effects of loss of predators on lower trophic levels are complex (Wootton 1994; Bruno & Cardinale 2008; O'Gorman, Enright & Emmerson 2008) and experimental manipulation is required to separate direct from indirect effects.
Ecological theory states that, in interaction webs whose dy- namics are imperfectly known, indirect effects may compromise the predictability of species ma-.
Direct and indirect effects of shrub encroachment on alpine grasslands mediated by plant ower visitor interactions Carlos Lara-Romero*,1, Cristina Garc õa 2, Javier Morente-L opez 1 and Jos e M. Iriondo 1 1 Biodiversity and Conservation Area, ESCET, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, C/Tulip an s/n, E-28933 M ostoles, Madrid, Spain; and 2 Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic …
12.08.2019 · The mean direct and indirect effect of Prosopis on ecosystem functioning was derived by calculating the total direct and indirect effect for each function separately and then averaging these totals. For direct effects that were calculated in multiple models ( Prosopis → plant species richness and Prosopis → Herbaceous biomass), we used the model that had the …
08.09.2021 · “Indirect effect” is a general term referring to a broad variety of species interactions that can occur through chains of direct species interactions, such as …
2 dager siden · Relationships between members of an ecological community can be classified within two broad categories, direct effects and indirect effects. The first of these, direct effects, as the name implies,...