The Influence of Direct and Indirect Speech on Mental ... › plosone › articleJun 12, 2013 · Our findings suggest that direct and indirect speech quotations influence mental representations at different levels. Although direct speech is perceived as more vivid and is thought to be more engaging than indirect speech, we did not find support for the idea that direct speech makes textual information regarding the referential (Experiment 1) or the communicative situation (Experiment 2) more accessible.
Arguments of Direct and Indirect Social Influences › essays › sociologyDirect social influence is a consequence of an individual swaying another individual’s opinion first hand, often through means of persuasion or manipulation. Indirect social influence exhibits subtle psychological proclivities in which an individual’s opinion or conduct is effected due to the information available on the other individual’s actions (Mavrodiev, Tessone and Schweitzer, 2013).
Comparing the influence of directly vs. indirectly ... › 24184995Abstract. Some research has found a stronger influence of directly (face-to-face; co-witness; 'social') vs. indirectly (through written reports, 'non-social') encountered post-event misinformation on eyewitness memory reports, whereas other research finds no (big) difference. We argue and demonstrate that a crucial but so far neglected variable underlying this difference is memory for the misleading information itself.
Comparing the influence of directly vs. indirectly ... › science › articleNov 01, 2013 · This interaction reflects the fact that, different from previous research, the misinformation effect was actually weaker in the direct influence condition (an experimental–control performance difference of 11%; see Table 2) than in the indirect influence condition (a difference of 20%), even though these effects were still individually significant, direct influence: t(59) = 3.55, p = .001, d = 0.63, indirect influence: t(59) = 6.81, p < .001, d = 1.19. » Control, Direct Influence, and Indirect Influence
www.lucreid.comAug 06, 2010 · Direct influence means that we can take specific steps to try to get the thing done. For instance, a person who wants a raise can usually go to his or her boss and request one, and someone who wants to be treated better by another person can confront that person. Indirect influence Indirect influence means that we can only take actions that encourage the results we want, but can’t control them or even push for a decision. » Control, Direct Influence, and Indirect ... · Direct influence means that we can take specific steps to try to get the thing done. For instance, a person who wants a raise can usually go to his or her boss and request one, and someone who wants to be treated better by another person can confront that person. Indirect influence. Indirect influence means that we can only take actions that ...