02.04.2021 · – Power On Veeam VM. The warning ‘Virtual Machine disks consolidation is needed’ in the Summary tab of a virtual machine in the VMware vSphere console means that when deleting a snapshot (using the option Delete or Delete All), the snapshot VMDK files or logs have not been deleted correctly (remain on the storage).This causes a virtual machine backup errors.
15.07.2020 · We use Acronis and after verifying the Acronis Appliances did not have a lock on the system and after powering off and migrating, etc., etc. I removed it from inventory and re-registered the .vmx file and I was able to consolidate the disk. That was after running command line commands to check for locked files of which it said there weren't any.
23.08.2021 · Fix VMware Error: Virtual Machine Disks Consolidation Needed. Virtual machines in VMware vSphere have many advantages. They work reliably with high performance if the appropriate hardware is used and the right software configuration is applied.
27.07.2016 · Disks and volumes discovery for ESX(I) host "xxx.xxx.xxx.234" failed Error: Cannot complete login due to an incorrect user name or password. …
03.01.2019 · 7. This answer is not useful. Show activity on this post. In Veeam. go to backup infrastructure. Choose your VMware ESXi Server, right click, and select properties. A dialog comes up. There click on finish. When there is a new certificate you will be prompted an you can install it.
20.10.2020 · The backup session fails after adding virtual disks to the backup appliance. How to fix VMWare Error: Unable to access a file since it is locked? To fix this error, we need to find the source of a lock and release it. For this, the initial step is to identify the locked files. First, using an SSH client, connect to the ESXi host for the problem VM.
14.07.2018 · Failed to Lock The File is something a common issue in VMware Virtual environment and I thought to write this article as few of my colleagues asked couple of times how to find the vmdk locks in similar situations.
03.08.2021 · Troubleshooting locked virtual disks on NFS volumes Locking issues on NFS datastores are different from locking issues on VMFS datastores. NFS does not provide block level access, preventing SCSI locks, thus the locking mechanism is different.
12.10.2012 · Adding an existing disk (VMDK) to a virtual machine that is already powered on fails with the error: Failed to add disk scsi0:1. Failed to power on scsi0:1. When powering on the virtual machine you may see one of these errors: Unable to open Swap File; Unable to access a file since it is locked; Unable to access virtual machine configuration