Linux Mint — Wikipédia Mint est un système d'exploitation GNU/Linux créé en 2006 à partir d'Ubuntu, lui-même basé sur Debian . Il est conçu pour les ordinateurs individuels au même titre que Windows ou Mac OS et s'affirme comme un « système moderne, élégant et confortable, à la fois puissant et facile d'utilisation
Download Linux Mint 20.2 - Linux Mint Mint is also involved in the development of MATE, a classic desktop environment which is the continuation of GNOME 2, Linux Mint’s default desktop between 2006 and 2011. Although it misses a few features and its development is slower than Cinnamon’s, MATE runs faster, uses fewer resources and is more stable than Cinnamon.
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https://linuxmint.comMint has become the very best example of what a Linux desktop should be: fast, easy, pleasing to the eye, useful and productive. Others, still, see Mint as the ideal desktop for Windows refugees, or those who are trying out Linux for the first time, and want an operating system that essentially works 'out of the box'. David Hayward. Linux Format.