TREATMENT OF DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS › library › wp-contentTREATMENT OF DIABETIC KETOACIDOSIS A. (0-60minutes) B. (1-6hours) C. (6-12hours) D. (12-24hours) E. Conversion to subcutaneous insulin A. 0-60minutes - IMMEDIATE MANAGEMENT --DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA - ALL MUST BE PRESENT - Ketonaemia of 3mmol/L and over or significant ketonuria (more than 2+ on urine dipstick)
Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) - EMCrit Project · Every hospital will have a DKA protocol, which can generally be followed. However, it's still useful to understand the broad strokes of how insulin is utilized in DKA, as described below. (#1) insulin infusion: getting started. Unless the patient is hypokalemic (K <3.3 mM), insulin should be started immediately.
Management of adult diabetic ketoacidosis › pmc › articlesJun 30, 2014 · DKA management protocols in clinical care. With a number of DKA guidelines and technical reviews in the field published by several societies, 3, 8, 36, 37 there is a call to efficiently deliver current knowledge to the bedside. One approach to delivering best clinical practices is development of inpatient standardized protocols for DKA management.