iPhone/iPad TLS DNS Proxy - DNS Disco
dnsdisco.com › iOS-dns-proxy-postOct 05, 2017 · iPhone/iPad TLS DNS Proxy. As Sarah Dickinson recently mentioned at DNS-OARC 27 in San Jose, CA, https://indico.dns-oarc.net/event/27/session/4/contribution/20 , there is a work in progress for a TLS DNS Proxy for the Apple iPhone/iPad running iOS 11 and above. This uses the new DNS Proxy Network Extension and, when enabled, all DNS requests will be sent to a resolver over TLS.
Paul Miller — iOS 14, Big Sur & DNS over HTTPS / TLS
paulmillr.com › posts › encrypted-dnsIt looks like ordinary HTTPS traffic, while DNS over TLS requires separate port 853. DNS over TLS may be faster since it’s one level lower, but judging from benchmarks, that’s not the case. So, my recommendation here is to just use DoH. Dangers of encrypted dns. If your ISP is no longer resolving DNS addresses, someone else must be doing it? Today, it’s probably cloudflare with its public DNS, or google (
DNS over https - Apple Community
https://discussions.apple.com/thread/25267263219.04.2021 · If need change DNS - provided method work (for easy understanding only for Wi-Fi). But I need DNS over HTTPS or DNS over TLS. DoT only uses port 853, while DoH uses port 443, which is the port that all other HTTPS traffic uses as well. And how I can use “mobile data” from mobile providers? Also you can check using DNS in dnsleak-services.