Configuring DNS on Cisco Routers - Cisco › 24182-reversednsSep 30, 2008 · Enables DNS-based host name-to-address translation. This command is enabled by default. ip name-server: Specifies the address of one or more name servers. ip domain list: Defines a list of domains, each to be tried in turn. Note: If there is no domain list, the domain name that you specified with the ip domain-name global configuration command is used.
Configuring DNS - Cisco › en › USTo use DNS, you must have a DNS name server on your network. You can specify a primary DNS name server on the switch as well as two backup servers. The first server specified is the primary unless you explicitly identify the primary server. The switch sends DNS queries to the primary server first.
Configuring DNS - Cisco › dns-15-sy-book › dns-config-dnsTheDomainNameSystem(DNS)isadistributeddatabaseinwhichyoucanmaphostnamestoIPaddresses throughtheDNSprotocolfromaDNSserver.EachuniqueIPaddresscanhaveanassociatedhostname. TheCiscoIOSsoftwaremaintainsacacheofhostname-to-addressmappingsforusebytheconnect,telnet, andpingEXECcommands,andrelatedTelnetsupportoperations.Thiscachespeedstheprocessofconverting namestoaddresses.