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dnsmasq dhcp option

HOWTO: Setup dnsmasq as DNS DHCP - Beware Here Be Musings
29.12.2013 · dhcp-option=option:ntp-server, When a host is requesting an IP address via DHCP also tell it the NTP to use. In the file /etc/dnsmasq_static_hosts.conf you can add a list of local machines with static IP addresses in the same format as the hosts file. It is also an easy way of creating aliases or CNAME records.
Human-Readable DHCP Options for DNSMASQ - Kuan-Yi Li's ...
https://blog.abysm.org › 2020/06
dhcp-option=option:router dhcp-option=option:dns-server. IPv4 Options. # dnsmasq --help dhcp Known DHCP options: 1 netmask 2 time-offset 3 ...
DNSMasq as DHCP server - DD-WRT Wiki
Since changeset 39350, udhcpd has been removed and DNSMasq is the only DHCP server in dd-wrt.. DD-WRT supports using DNSMasq as a local DNS server.DNSMasq can intelligently add DHCP leases to its DNS database, providing local name lookups for any DHCP client, static or dynamic. udhcpd, the former DHCP server (daemon), is not to be confused with udhcpc, the …
[OpenWrt Wiki] Dnsmasq DHCP server
17.02.2021 · The dnsmasq.conf file does not exist by default but will be processed by dnsmasq on startup if it is present. Note that options in /etc/config/dhcp take precendence over dnsmasq.conf since they are translated to command line arguments. You can have dnsmasq execute a script on every action: dhcp-script = /sbin/action.sh
How to Setup a DNS/DHCP Server Using dnsmasq ... - Tecmint
https://www.tecmint.com › setup-a-...
dnsmasq is a lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder, DHCP server software and router advertisement subsystem for small networks.
https://oss.segetech.com › intra › srv
2) Sets the "domain" DHCP option thereby potentially setting the # domain of all ... This # is needed for networks we reach the dnsmasq DHCP server via a ...
Configuring DHCP/DNS with dnsmasq - Edoceo, Inc
https://edoceo.com › sys › dnsmasq
Single Network DHCP server using dnsmasq. The reader is expected to know what DHCP is, here are simply sample configuration files for basic usage reference.
DNSMasq as DHCP server - DD-WRT Wiki
wiki.dd-wrt.com › wiki
This is the easiest way to setup DNSMasq as DHCP Server Go to your Web-Interface and log in Go to Setup->Basic Setup Make sure that DHCP Type= DHCP Server DHCP Server= Enable Use DNSMasq for DHCP= Checked (only present if running a build < 39350)
[Dnsmasq-discuss] dnsmasq with dhcpv6 and dhcp-host option
dnsmasq-discuss.thekelleys.org.narkive.com › E2
Post by Sheng Yang Jan 14 17:38:35 dnsmasq[2213]: started, version 2.62 cachesize 150 Jan 14 17:38:35 dnsmasq[2213]: compile time options: IPv6 GNU-getopt DBus
[Dnsmasq-discuss] dnsmasq with dhcpv6 and dhcp-host option
Результаты поиска для '[Dnsmasq-discuss] dnsmasq with dhcpv6 and dhcp-host option' (группы новостей и списки рассылки) 11 ответы [Dnsmasq-discuss] Reverse lookups not working in authoritative mode. ...
List of dnsmasq's DHCP options - Lifetime Learning
https://iomarmochtar.wordpress.com › ...
List of dnsmasq's DHCP options ; $ dnsmasq --help dhcp ; dhcp-option=option:netbios-ns, dhcp-option=option:netbios- dd ,
DNS and DHCP with Dnsmasq - Linux.com
15.02.2018 · Run dnsmasq --help dhcp to see all the IPv4 options. dnsmasq --help dhcp6 lists the IPv6 options. (See man 5 dhcp-options for more …
dnsmasq dhcp options - HTYP
htyp.org › dnsmasq_dhcp_options
Oct 21, 2007 · The command " dnsmasq --help" is supposed to return a list of valid DHCP sub-options for the "--dhcp-option" option, but it just returns a summary of all the available options as given in detail on the dnsmasq manpage. This page will be for reconstructing what that list should actually be, based on that page and any other sources found. Options
How to set up a DHCP server with Dnsmasq Part 4 | NetBeez
https://netbeez.net › blog › how-to...
To enable the DHCP server, open /etc/dnsmasq.conf and search for “dhcp” to find any relevant options and comments. The DHCP options are gathered ...
Client-specific DNS and DHCP settings with Dnsmasq and Edgeos ...
virantha.com › 2021/04/01 › edgeos-dnsmasq-client
Apr 01, 2021 · The dhcp-host option assigns the static IP address mapping and host name to the device, and also adds it to two tags via the set directive. The first tag is LAN1, which Edgeos usually sets for you based on your shared-network-name, but in this case, because we removed the static-mapping entry for these clients, we need to add it back in manually.
Use dnsmasq to provide DNS & DHCP services - Fedora Magazine
30.09.2020 · $ sudo dnsmasq --test dnsmasq: syntax check OK. Now edit the hosts file, which can contain both statically- and dynamically-allocated hosts. Static addresses should lie outside the DHCP range you specified earlier. Hosts using DHCP but which need a fixed address should be entered here with an address within the DHCP range. sudo vi /etc/hosts
Network iPXE dnsmasq Examples PXE BOOT - richud.com
dnsmasq is acting on a 192.168.2.x subnet in these examples. dhcp-match=ipxe,175. This sets a 'variable' to be 'ipxe' (whatever the text is before the comma), if option 175 is set in the DHCP request. (175 returns text string 'Etherboot', after original project name) ipxe/gpxe have this set if they are doing the DHCP request.
DNS and DHCP with Dnsmasq - Linux.com
www.linux.com › topic › networking
Feb 15, 2018 · The default route advertised to all clients is the address of your Dnsmasq server. You can configure DHCP to assign each zone a different default route: dhcp-option=eth,3, dhcp-option=wifi,3, How do you know that 3 is the default route option?
Man page of DNSMASQ - Welcome to thekelleys.org.uk
https://thekelleys.org.uk › docs › d...
The dnsmasq DHCP server supports static address assignments and multiple networks. It automatically sends a sensible default set of DHCP ...
dnsmasq - ArchWiki
https://wiki.archlinux.org › title › d...
dnsmasq provides a DNS server, a DHCP server with support for DHCPv6 and PXE, and a TFTP server. It is designed to be lightweight and have a ...
DNSMasq as DHCP server - DD-WRT Wiki
https://wiki.dd-wrt.com › index.php
Since changeset 39350, udhcpd has been removed and DNSMasq is the only DHCP server in dd-wrt. DD-WRT supports using DNSMasq as a local DNS ...