DNSmasq详细解析及详细配置 - 云+社区 - 腾讯云
https://cloud.tencent.com/developer/article/1174717Dnsmasq will discard world # requests to them, but the paranoid might like to close them and let the # kernel handle them: bind-interfaces # Dynamic range of IPs to make available to LAN pc dhcp-range=,,12h # If you’d like to have dnsmasq assign static IPs, bind the LAN computer's # NIC MAC address: dhcp-host=aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff,
dnsmasq - Debian Wiki
wiki.debian.org › dnsmasqOne you will probably want to do is tell dnsmasq which ethernet interface it can and cannot listen on, as we really don't want it listening on the internet. Around line 69 of the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file, you will see: #interface= Uncomment the line and specify which ethernet interface (s) you want it server IPs to.
dnsmasq - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DnsmasqDoing so opens up tcp/udp port 53 to localhost and udp port 67 to world: interface=enp0s0 # dnsmasq will open tcp/udp port 53 and udp port 67 to world to help with dynamic interfaces (assigning dynamic IPs). # dnsmasq will discard world requests to them, but the paranoid might like to close them and let the kernel handle them. bind-interfaces # Optionally set a domain …
dnsmasq - Debian Wiki
https://wiki.debian.org/dnsmasqChoosing Your Interfaces. One you will probably want to do is tell dnsmasq which ethernet interface it can and cannot listen on, as we really don't want it listening on the internet. Around line 69 of the /etc/dnsmasq.conf file, you will see: #interface= Uncomment the line and specify which ethernet interface(s) you want it server IPs to.