Dnsmasq - Community Help Wiki
https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DnsmasqDNSmasq provides two services, either of which can be used independently. DNS service ; DHCP service (including features relating to network boot) A local DNS cache can speed up internet browsing because the user's browser will not need to access a domain name server when it looks up a domain name the computer has visited before.
dnsmasq - ArchWiki - Arch Linux
https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/DnsmasqDNS server. To set up dnsmasq as a DNS caching daemon on a single computer specify a listen-address directive, adding in the localhost IP address: listen-address=::1, To use this computer to listen on its LAN IP address for other computers on the network. It is recommended that you use a static LAN IP in this case. E.g.:
dnsmasq - Debian Wiki
https://wiki.debian.org/dnsmasqIn order to configure dnsmasq to act as cache for the host on which it is running, put "nameserver" in /etc/resolv.conf to force local processes to send queries to dnsmasq. Then either specify the upstream servers directly to dnsmasq using --server options or put their addresses real in another file, say /etc/resolv.dnsmasq and run ...