community.docker.docker_compose - Ansible › docker_compose_moduleUses Docker Compose to start, shutdown and scale services. This module requires docker-compose < 2.0.0. Configuration can be read from a docker-compose.yml or docker-compose.yaml file or inline using the definition option. See the examples for more details. Supports check mode. This module was called docker_service before Ansible 2.8. The usage ...
Ansible Docker Compose Version 3 › ansible-docker-composeJan 14, 2022 · Step 2: Create Docker Playbook. The next thing we need to do is create the Ansible playbook that will be used to install Docker and Docker Compose on the Ubuntu servers. Edit the playbook called docker.yml and add the following contents: There is one variable that may need changed called docker_compose_version. It contains the version number of ...